Home Articles The Scots Lad
The Scots Lad
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Episode #1:The Scots Lad: In Tweed Jacket, hits Africa Gerry Hodes 6744
2 Episode #2: The Scots Lad: Sans Tweed Jacket, hits Lusaka Gerry Hodes 19094
3 Episode #3: The Scots Lad: Journeys Southwards Gerry Hodes 11192
4 Episode #4: The Scots Lad: en Training Gerry Hodes 10963
5 Episode #5: The Scots Lad: North of the South Border Gerry Hodes 11494
6 Episode #6: The Scots Lad: At the Feet of a Bronzed God Gerry Hodes 13579
7 Episode #7: The Scots Lad: Lassitude in Livingstone Gerry Hodes 11983
8 Episode #8: The Scots Lad: Taking the High Road Gerry Hodes 11976
9 Episode #9: The Scots Lad: Getting in a Paddy Gerry Hodes 15843