Patrick Kissane (6605)
Betty Clay (6630)
In 1936 Betty Clay came to Northern Rhodesia as a bride of 19. She rose to be Colony Commissioner for the Girl Guides, and retired back to England in 1964. -
Great North Road (7388)
The "Boma" is where you will find the stories (true and otherwise), pictures, and other information submitted by members for publication. -
Taxation & Business Services (6605)
My site as a chartered accountant in Australia. I worked in the Tax Office in Lusaka. -
Gwyn's Mufulira Site (12122)
This is a site for all Nrzams not only Muffites. -
Andy Larson's website (7768)
Sailing position reports and sailing logs, plus details of books published -
Gervas Clay (7543)
Gervas Clay was in the Provincial Administration from 1930 to 1960, and Curator of the Museum in Livingstone from 1960-1964. -
Gary Horner (7420)
Photographic -
Yunus Badat (8231)
Hello all Northeners I am from Ndola and have set up an Ndola website. You might find it interesting. -
Alan Hogg's Blog (6610)
Blog of Alan's trip by Trintella 47 from the West Indies to Australia and beyond